How Long Does Cake Last In The Fridge?

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By: Christian Chereau


Cake is a beloved dessert that’s perfect for celebrations and dinner parties alike. But, one often-overlooked thing to consider in the planning stages of your cake baking is how long it will last once stored. 

With this in mind, many people opt to store their confectionary creations in the fridge but worries around spoilage can soon start to set in if you don’t know exactly how long your cake should be good for afterwards. To get to the truth behind storing cakes here are all the facts; just read on!


Why Properly Storing Cake Is Important?

How Long Does Cake Last In The Fridge

When cake is stored in the fridge, it is important to understand that the temperature and humidity levels can have a significant impact on its durability. The ideal temperature for storing cake is between 32°F to 40°F (0°C to 4°C) to prevent bacterial growth and spoilage. 

High humidity levels in the fridge can also cause the cake to become soggy or stale more quickly. One should store cake in an airtight container to preserve its texture and avoid the absorption of any odors from other foods in the fridge, as recommended.

Proper storage can help to extend the storage life of cake and maintain its freshness and flavor.

A delicious cake is certainly one of life’s greatest pleasures! However, if you’re planning on storing your cake in the refrigerator, it’s important to keep in mind the factors that can affect its storage life. 

First and foremost, the conditions of your fridge play a significant role. The ideal temperature for cake storage is between 34-40 degrees Fahrenheit, as anything warmer can contribute to bacterial growth and spoilage. 

Additionally, the type of frosting used can also impact storage life. Buttercream frosting tends to be more stable and can last up to a week in the fridge, while cream cheese frosting can begin to break down after just a few days. 

Lastly, the ingredients in the cake itself, such as eggs and dairy products, can also contribute to spoilage. 

General Shelf Life of Cake in the Fridge

How Long Does Cake Last In The Fridge

Different types of cakes have varying shelf lives, which depend on factors such as ingredients, preparation method, and storage conditions. Here is a list of commonly found cakes and their approximate storage lives when stored in the refrigerator: 

  • Butter Cake: Butter cake can last for up to 5 days when stored properly in the fridge. To ensure maximum freshness, wrap the cake tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place it in an hermetic container.
  • Sponge Cake: Sponge cake has a shorter freshness period than butter cake and can only last for 3-4 days in the fridge. To keep sponge cake fresh, wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store it in an hermetic container.
  • Cheesecake: Cheesecake can last for up to 7 days in the fridge. Make sure to wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store it in an hermetic container to prevent it from absorbing any odors.
  • Pound Cake: Pound cake can last for up to 7 days in the fridge. Wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store it in an hermetic container to keep it fresh.
  • Chocolate Cake: Chocolate cake can last for up to 4-5 days in the fridge. Wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store it in an hermetic container to keep it fresh.
  • Fruit Cake: Fruit cake has a longer freshness period than other cakes and can last for up to 2 weeks in the fridge. To keep it fresh, wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store it in an hermetic container. You can also brush the cake with brandy or rum to help preserve it.

It’s important to note that the freshness period of cake can vary depending on factors such as the ingredients used, storage conditions, and the freshness of the cake at the time of storage. Always use your best judgement and inspect the cake before consuming to ensure it’s safe to eat.

How to Tell If Cake Has Gone Bad

Properly storing cake is crucial to maintaining its quality and preventing spoilage. As with any food, the freshness period of cake varies depending on several factors, including the type of cake, how it is stored, and the conditions in which it is stored. 

Here are some guidelines for determining whether cake has gone bad:

  • Check for mold or unusual odors, as these are indicators that the cake has spoiled.
  • Check the texture of the cake. If it is overly dry or sticky, it may be past its prime.
  • Examine the frosting or icing. If it has become discolored or has an unusual texture, it may be a sign of spoilage.
  • Use your senses. If the cake looks, smells, or tastes off, it’s best to err on the side of caution and discard it.

It’s important to note that some types of cake may have different signs of spoilage, so it’s always a good idea to use your senses and best judgment when determining if a cake has gone bad. If you are unsure, it is best to err on the side of caution and discard the cake.

Creative Ways to Use Leftover Cake

There are so many creative ways to use leftover cake that can be effortless, delicious, and fun! Instead of feeling guilty about wasting food, try using your leftover cake in a variety of interesting ways. 

One simple way to repurpose cake is to crumble it up and turn it into cake pops by mixing the crumbs with frosting and rolling them into balls. 

You can also use cake as a base for a trifle by layering it with fruit, whipped cream, and other ingredients of your choice. 

Another option is to chop up the cake and mix it into a batch of homemade ice cream or use it as a topping for pancakes or waffles. 

The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to experiment and see what delicious creations you can come up with using leftover cake.


Can you eat expired cake?

No, It is advised against eating expired cake. The quality of the cake may have changed, and consuming expired cake could lead to food poisoning or other illnesses. It’s advisible to discard any expired cake immediately. 

How long does frosted cake last in the fridge?

Frosted cakes will typically last for up to five days when stored properly in the refrigerator. However, it’s important to remember that the freshness period of a frosted cake can be affected by the type and amount of frosting used. 

Is it safe to store cake in the fridge for a week?

Yes, it’s generally safe to store cake in the refrigerator for a week if it has been properly stored and sealed. Be sure to check that your cake is still safe to eat by looking for signs of spoilage before consuming. 

Can you freeze a cake to make it last longer?

Yes, you can freeze a cake to extend its shelf life. You can either store it in a container with a tight-fitting lid or cover it tightly with plastic wrap to prevent air & moisture from entering and freeze for up to one month. 

When ready to eat, allow the cake to thaw overnight in the refrigerator before serving. 

What is the best way to store cake in the fridge?

The best way to store cake in the refrigerator is to wrap it tightly with plastic wrap or place it in an hermetic container. This will help keep the cake from absorbing odors from other foods and prevent moisture loss, which can cause it to become dry. 

How can you tell if cake has gone bad?

Signs that cake has gone bad include a sour or unpleasant smell, visible mold, and changes in texture. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to discard the cake immediately. 

Key Takeaways

Briefly, knowing the answer to “How Long Does Cake Last In The Fridge?” can save you from anxiety and many other issues down the line. 

Remember that for best quality, it is advised that you consume your cake within a week of refrigeration–perhaps sooner if it contains perishable ingredients. Take care to store your cake properly with an air-tight lid or wrap to keep out any moisture.

So, if you are ever asked how long does cake last in the fridge? Now you know how to give a confident answer and avoid food safety nightmares!

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Christian Chereau

Christian Chéreau is a fourth generation French Pastry Chef born in France on December 20th, 1951. Chéreau cultivated his passion for the art of Pastry as a child in his grandfather’s acclaimed pastry shop, “Chéreau” in Sandillon, France

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