How Long Do Grapes Last In The Fridge?

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By: Christian Chereau


Have you ever bought a bunch of fresh grapes and wondered how long they will last in the fridge? You’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’re going to dive into the science behind keeping your grapes fresh so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible. 

From proper storage techniques to signs of spoilage and different shelf-life estimates, learning how to store your grapes correctly can help ensure maximum taste and enjoyment from each bunch!


What Influences The Shelf Life Of Grapes In The Fridge?

How Long Do Grapes Last In The Fridge

As a fruit that is known for its juiciness, grapes have become a staple in many households. However, factors such as temperature, humidity, and even the packaging play a crucial role in determining the shelf life of grapes in the fridge.

Temperature and humidity levels

Grapes should be kept in the fridge at a temperature between 30-32°F, with a relative humidity level of around 90-95%.

If the fridge temperature is too high or the humidity is too low, the grapes may start to shrivel or lose their freshness.

Type of grape

Seedless grapes generally have a longer shelf life compared to seeded grapes because they are less prone to spoilage.

Red grapes tend to have a shorter shelf life compared to green grapes because they are more delicate and can spoil faster.

Level of ripeness when purchased

Grapes that are already ripe when purchased will have a shorter shelf life compared to those that are not yet fully ripe.

If the grapes are overripe or have begun to spoil before being refrigerated, they will spoil even faster in the fridge.

Storage container

Grapes should be stored in a well-ventilated container or plastic bag to allow for proper air circulation and to prevent moisture buildup.

Avoid storing grapes near foods with strong odors, as grapes can easily absorb odors from other foods.

By keeping these points in mind, you can ensure that your grapes stay fresh and juicy for longer, allowing you to savor their deliciousness without worry.

How Long Different Types Of Grapes Last In The Fridge

How Long Do Grapes Last In The Fridge

When it comes to storing different types of grapes in the fridge, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure they last as long as possible.

For seedless grapes, both red and green varieties can last up to 1-2 weeks in the fridge if stored properly in a plastic bag or container with a damp paper towel to help maintain moisture. Black seedless grapes have a slightly shorter shelf life and typically last around 5-7 days.

For seeded grapes, both red and green varieties can last up to 1-2 weeks in the fridge if stored properly in the same way as seedless grapes. Black seeded grapes have a shorter shelf life and typically last around 3-5 days.

It’s important to note that the shelf life of grapes can vary depending on factors such as the level of ripeness when purchased and the temperature and humidity levels in the fridge. 

Signs That Grapes Have Gone Bad

Have you ever been excited to enjoy a sweet grape snack, only to find that the grapes have gone bad? It’s not only disappointing, but it can also lead to a stomachache. Here are some signs to look out for to know if your grapes have gone bad:

  • Changes in color, texture, and appearance: Look for any discoloration or bruises on the grapes. The texture should be firm and plump, not soft or wrinkled.
  • Sour or fermented smell: If your grapes smell sour or fermented, this could be a sign that they have started to spoil.
  • Mold or fuzz on the grapes: If you notice any mold or fuzz on the grapes, it’s best to discard them immediately. Mold can spread quickly and can be harmful to consume.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to consuming fruits, especially grapes, so make sure to thoroughly examine them before indulging.

Tips For Properly Storing Grapes In The Fridge

Properly storing grapes is crucial if you want to enjoy their fresh, juicy goodness for as long as possible. Here are a few tried-and-true tips to help you keep your grapes as fresh as the day you brought them home. 

  • Rinse the grapes before storing them: Before storing your grapes, give them a rinse in cold water to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Use a perforated plastic bag or airtight container: Grapes need to breathe, so it’s important to store them in a perforated plastic bag or airtight container with small holes or slits to allow for air circulation.
  • Place them in the crisper drawer: The crisper drawer in your fridge is specifically designed to help maintain the moisture levels and temperature that fruits and vegetables need. Place your grapes in the crisper drawer to help extend their shelf life.
  • Store them away from other produce: Grapes are sensitive to ethylene gas, which is produced naturally by some fruits and vegetables as they ripen. To prevent your grapes from spoiling too quickly, keep them away from other fruit that produces ethylene gas when riped

Easy Recipes To Use Remaining Grapes

If you’re stuck with leftover grapes that you don’t know what to do with, don’t worry! There are plenty of easy recipes you can make that will turn those grapes into a delicious treat.

Making Grape Jelly Or Jam

One option is to turn them into grape jelly or jam, which can be spread on toast, used as a sweetener for oatmeal, or even as a glaze for meats. All you need is a pot, sugar, and pectin to get started.

Adding Them To Salads Or Smoothies

Adding leftover grapes to salads or smoothies can also provide a refreshing burst of flavor and a dose of antioxidants. 

For salads, you can mix fresh grapes with cucumbers and tomatoes for a light side dish. For smoothies, blend them together with banana, yogurt, and ice for a sweet treat.

Freezing Them For A Refreshing Snack

And for an easy refreshing snack, simply freeze grapes for a tasty and healthy treat on a hot day. 

To freeze, just rinse the grapes and lay them out on a baking sheet. Place in the freezer for an hour or two, until they are frozen solid. Transfer to an airtight container or bag and enjoy anytime! 

Don’t let those leftover grapes go to waste! Try out these simple ideas and turn them into a delicious and satisfying treat.


Can you freeze grapes to extend their shelf life?

Yes, grapes can be frozen to extend their shelf life. Rinse the grapes and pat them dry before placing them in an airtight container or freezer bag. They can be kept in the freezer for up to 12 months.

How can you tell if grapes have gone bad?

Look for signs of mold or mushiness on the grapes. They should also have a firm texture and a sweet smell. If they are soft, slimy, or have a sour or vinegar-like smell, they have gone bad and should be discarded.

Can you eat the skin of grapes?

Yes, the skin of grapes is edible and contains antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients. However, some people may have a sensitivity or allergy to the skin and may need to remove it before consuming the grapes.

How should you wash grapes before storing them in the fridge?

After purchasing grapes, it is advisable to rinse them with water and dry them gently using a clean towel. Try not to wash them until just before consumption, as excess moisture can hasten spoilage.

How long do different types of grapes typically last in the fridge?

Red and green seedless grapes can last up to 2 weeks in the fridge, while muscadine grapes and other seeded varieties may only last up to 1 week.

What are some creative ways to use grapes besides eating them plain?

Grapes are versatile and can add flavor and texture to a wide range of dishes, including but not limited to salads, smoothies, and desserts. They can also be roasted, grilled, or used to make jams and preserves.

Take Home Message

Now that you know how to store grapes and extend their shelf life in the fridge, why not give it a try? Next time you have fresh grapes, take a few measures to ensure their freshness using these tips! You’ll be amazed at how much longer you can keep your grapes without sacrificing flavor or texture

So what are you waiting for? Start trying different methods for storing your grapes and get the most out of them. Remember, the sooner you act, the longer you’ll be able to enjoy that delicious sweet treat of crunchy grape goodness!

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Christian Chereau

Christian Chéreau is a fourth generation French Pastry Chef born in France on December 20th, 1951. Chéreau cultivated his passion for the art of Pastry as a child in his grandfather’s acclaimed pastry shop, “Chéreau” in Sandillon, France

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