How Long Does Salmon Last In The Fridge?

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By: Christian Chereau


We all get the feeling of having to think twice whether or not that piece of salmon in our fridge is still good enough for dinner. With the wide range of dishes to make with this versatile seafood, it’s important to get the timing right when deciding how long to keep your salmon before discarding it

Here, we explore just how long does salmon last in the fridge and answer some other frequently asked questions about managing sushi-grade fish so that you can keep your kitchen stocked with delicious meals!

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Why Do You Need To Refrigerate Salmon?

Salmon is a delicious and versatile fish that is enjoyed by people all over the world. However, it is also a delicate and perishable food that needs to be treated with care. 

One of the reasons why you should always refrigerate salmon is to slow down the growth of harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Keeping the fish in a cool environment will also help to preserve its texture and flavor, preventing it from becoming dry and tough. 

Secondly, refrigerating salmon can help to extend its shelf life, allowing you to enjoy it for longer and reducing food waste. 

So whether you are planning to cook a fresh salmon fillet for dinner or are storing leftovers for another day, make sure to keep it in the refrigerator to maintain its quality and safety.

Does Staying In The Fridge Affect The Nutrition Of The Salmon?

How Long Does Salmon Last In The Fridge

Storing salmon in the fridge does not affect its nutrition significantly. While there isn’t a straightforward answer, certain factors come into play:

  • The time in which the salmon is stored in the fridge can impact its nutritional value. If the salmon is kept for extended periods, it can lose some of its vitamins and minerals
  • The temperature of the fridge is crucial. Storing the salmon at a temperature above 5°C can lead to the growth of bacteria which can cause food poisoning. 
  • The method of cooking the salmon can also impact its nutritional value. It’s essential to ensure that the salmon is adequately cooked to retain its nutritional value

Eating fresh, properly stored, and cooked salmon at safe temperatures can provide you with the right amount of nutrition.

More about Salmon Nutritions.

How Long Does Fresh Salmon Last In The Fridge?

Raw salmon is a delicious and healthy protein source that’s easy to prepare in a number of different ways. However, it’s important to make sure you’re storing it properly to prevent spoilage and potential foodborne illness. 

Typically, raw salmon can last in the fridge for 1-2 days as long as it’s kept at a temperature below 40°F. It’s also important to store it in an airtight container to prevent contamination from other foods. 

If you’re not planning to use your raw salmon within a day or two, consider freezing it for longer-term storage. When stored properly in the freezer, raw salmon can last for up to several months. 

So, make sure to take the necessary precautions to ensure that your raw salmon stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible!

How Long Does Cooked Salmon Last In The Fridge?

Cooked salmon is a great way to enjoy this delicious fish in just minutes. But like any food, it’s important to make sure that you’re storing and handling it properly so that you can reap the full benefits of its flavor and texture without risking illness. 

If you have cooked salmon in your fridge, rest assured that it can last up to four days if stored properly. Make sure to store it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly with plastic wrap to prevent any air or moisture from getting in. 

Moreover, ensure that your fridge’s temperature is set to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower to maintain the salmon’s freshness. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy your leftover salmon safely and deliciously.

How Long Should Salmon Stay In The Freezer?

If you have more salmon than you can eat in a couple of days, freezing it is the best way to ensure that it stays fresh and safe for longer periods. Salmon can be stored in the freezer for up to six months if properly wrapped or sealed

It’s important to make sure that the salmon is tightly sealed to prevent freezer burn and contamination. Moreover, avoid freezing salmon in its original packaging as the package may not be airtight enough to protect it from freezer burn. 

When you’re ready to enjoy your frozen salmon, make sure to defrost it in the refrigerator overnight so that it thaws slowly and evenly. This will help retain its flavor and texture. 

Following the above tips, you can easily extend the shelf life of your salmon and enjoy it safely for months! 

When To Discard Your Salmon?

If you’re ever in doubt about the freshness of your salmon, discard it as soon as possible rather than risk getting food poisoning. Check these signs to ensure your salmon is still edible:

  • First and foremost, always check the use-by or sell-by date on the packaging. If it’s past the date, it’s time to throw it out. 
  • Secondly, if the salmon has a strong, unpleasant odor, it’s time to discard it as well. 
  • Thirdly, a slimy texture or a grayish-brown color are also indicators that the salmon has gone bad. 
  • If you’re unsure if your salmon is still good or not, it’s best to err on the side of caution and dispose of it. 

Remember, consuming expired or spoiled food can lead to foodborne illnesses, so always prioritize your health and safety.

How To Cook Refrigerated Salmon?

Cooking refrigerated salmon is a simple process that does not require any fancy equipment or complicated techniques. 

  • Begin by removing the salmon from the refrigerator and allowing it to come to room temperature for about 15-20 minutes. This will ensure that the fish cooks evenly.
  • Season it with salt and pepper or your favorite spices. Heat a non-stick or stainless steel skillet over medium heat and add a tablespoon of olive oil or butter. 
  • Place the salmon skin-side down and cook for about 4-5 minutes until the skin is crispy and golden brown. Gently flip the salmon and cook for another 3-4 minutes until the flesh is flaky and opaque. 
  • The total cooking time will depend on the thickness of the salmon fillet. Use a fork or a small knife to check if the salmon is cooked through. 
  • Once it is done, remove it from the pan and serve with your favorite sides or sauces

Cooking refrigerated salmon can be intimidating for some, but with these simple steps, you can cook a delicious and healthy meal in no time.


Can Raw Salmon Last 7 Days In The Fridge?

Yes, raw salmon can last up to 7 days in the refrigerator. However, it is best consumed within 2-3 days of purchase. 

Can Salmon Smell Fishy But Not Expired?

Yes, fish should have an ocean-like smell, but if it starts to smell sour or off then it’s time to toss it. Expired salmon generally has a more pungent odor than fresh salmon. 

Is It Bad To Eat Expired Salmon?

Yes, consuming expired salmon can be dangerous. It may contain harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Therefore, it’s important to only consume fresh fish and discard any salmon that has been in the fridge longer than 7 days. 

Always follow expiration dates and best by dates when cooking with salmon. 

Can I Eat Week Old Raw Salmon?

No, it is not safe to eat week-old raw salmon. Raw salmon should be consumed within 2-3 days of purchase and always follow expiration dates and best by date when cooking with fish. Consuming expired or improperly stored raw salmon can lead to food poisoning.

What Does Old Salmon Taste Like?

Old salmon will usually have a sour or off-putting smell and taste. It may also be unpleasantly slimy, dry, or hard to the touch. Consuming expired salmon can cause food poisoning so it’s important to discard any fish that has been in the fridge longer than 7 days. 

Final Thoughts

To sum up, the shelf-life of salmon when stored in a fridge depends on various factors. If you store it in an airtight container or bag and keep it below 40°F, the salmon can last 1-2 days. When vacuum sealed and refrigerated, salmon will stay good for 3-4 days. 

So if you’re looking for a fresh and delicious salmon dish for tonight’s dinner, we suggest making sure your seafood is within its safe consumption period by properly storing and cooking it within 1-4 days from purchase or catch. 
Now go ahead and enjoy your beautiful meal! How Long Does Salmon Last In The Fridge?

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Christian Chereau

Christian Chéreau is a fourth generation French Pastry Chef born in France on December 20th, 1951. Chéreau cultivated his passion for the art of Pastry as a child in his grandfather’s acclaimed pastry shop, “Chéreau” in Sandillon, France

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