How Long is Chicken Good After the Sell-By Date?

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By: Rachae's Nosheri


Step into the tantalizing world of chicken freshness as we unravel the mystery behind the sell-by date. Are you curious about how long is chicken good after the sell-by date? – The short answer is 1-2 days if it appears fresh and shows no signs of spoilage.

Prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey where we explore the secrets of chicken longevity and arm you with the knowledge to make confident culinary decisions. Discover the secrets of chicken freshness, from decoding date labels to identifying spoiled chicken. Join us as we explore poultry preservation techniques and learn how to extend the life of your chicken, transforming your kitchen into a culinary haven.

Get ready to unlock the hidden potential of chicken freshness and elevate your dining experience to new heights.


What Does The Sell-By-Date Mean on Raw Chicken?

How Long is Chicken Good After the Sell-By Date?

The sell-by date on raw chicken, as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is the date recommended by the manufacturer for retailers to sell the product while it is still at its best quality. This date is primarily intended for the retailer and helps ensure that consumers have enough time to use the product before it potentially reaches its peak freshness.

It’s important to note that the sell-by date is not an indicator of the safety of the chicken. It is a quality guideline provided by the manufacturer to assist retailers in managing their inventory effectively. Consumers can still safely consume raw chicken for a certain period beyond the sell-by date if it has been handled and stored properly.

How Long is Chicken Good After the Sell-By Date?

The shelf life of chicken after the sell-by date can vary depending on various factors. While there is no definitive answer, it’s generally safe to consume raw chicken within 1 to 2 days after the sell-by date if it has been stored properly.

Factors such as storage conditions, initial quality, and sensory assessment play a role in determining its freshness. It’s important to store chicken at or below 40°F (4°C) and check for any signs of spoilage, such as changes in color or unpleasant odors, before consuming. However, individuals with compromised immune systems should exercise caution. When unsure, it’s best to err on the side of caution and discard the chicken.

Sell-by vs. Use-by vs. Best-by Dates on Meat

How Long is Chicken Good After the Sell-By Date?

Understanding the differences between sell-by, use-by, and best-by dates helps consumers make informed decisions about the freshness and quality of chicken. While these dates provide guidance, relying on sensory assessments, proper storage practices, and common sense is crucial when determining whether chicken is still good to eat after any of these dates.

  • Sell-by Date: The sell-by date is intended for retailers, indicating the last day on which the product should be sold. It helps ensure that consumers have sufficient time to use the product before it potentially reaches its peak freshness.
  • Use-by Date: The use-by date is a recommendation by the manufacturer for consumers to consume the product by this date for the best quality and taste. It indicates the last day on which the chicken is expected to be at its peak flavor and texture.
  • Best-by Date: The best-by date signifies the period during which the chicken is expected to retain its optimal quality, flavor, and texture. It does not necessarily mean that the chicken is unsafe to eat after this date.

Is Chicken Safe To Eat After The Sell-By date?

The safety of consuming chicken after the sell-by date is a common concern among consumers. 

To assess the safety of chicken, inspect it visually for any signs of spoilage such as discoloration, sliminess, or an off-putting odor. These are indicators that the chicken may have gone bad and should be discarded regardless of the sell-by date.

If the chicken appears fresh and shows no signs of spoilage, it can generally be safe to consume within 1 to 2 days after the sell-by date, provided it has been stored properly.

How To Tell If Chicken Is Bad?

To determine if chicken has gone bad, there are several indicators to look out for. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about the safety of consuming the chicken. 

Visual cues

Inspect the chicken for any changes in color, such as a grayish or greenish tinge. Additionally, look for any signs of mold or unusual discoloration. These visual cues can indicate spoilage and render the chicken unsafe to eat.

Texture and consistency

Pay attention to the texture and consistency of the chicken. If it feels slimy, sticky, or unusually soft, it is likely spoiled and should be discarded.


A foul or rancid odor is a strong indication that the chicken has gone bad. Trust your sense of smell and if it smells off or unpleasant, it is best to err on the side of caution and discard the chicken.

How to Extend the Expiration Date off Fresh Raw Chicken?

If you want to extend the expiration date of fresh raw chicken and ensure its safety beyond the sell-by date, there are a few steps you can take.

  1. Refrigerate promptly at 40°F (4°C) or below.
  2. Consider freezing the chicken if you won’t use it within a few days.
  3. Repackage the chicken to prevent bacterial growth.
  4. Use your senses to assess its freshness.
  5. Discard if any signs of spoilage are present, regardless of the sell-by date.

Remember, even with these methods, there are limits to how long chicken is good after sell-by date. Use your judgment and rely on sensory cues such as sight, smell, and texture to determine if the chicken is still good to eat.

How to Safety Store Chicken?

Proper storage of chicken is essential to maintain its freshness and safety, especially after the sell-by date. Follow these guidelines to ensure the best storage practices:


Store raw chicken in the refrigerator at a temperature of 40°F (4°C) or below. This helps slow down bacterial growth and extends its freshness. Consume the chicken within 1 to 2 days after the sell-by date if it appears fresh and shows no signs of spoilage.


If you need to store chicken for a longer period, consider freezing it. Wrap the chicken tightly in moisture-proof packaging, label it with the date, and store it in the freezer. Frozen chicken can be safely consumed for several months, although its quality may diminish over time.

Proper packaging

Ensure the chicken is well-packaged to prevent cross-contamination and maintain its quality. Use airtight containers or resealable freezer bags to keep the chicken protected from moisture and other contaminants.


Can I Eat Chicken After The Sell-By Date?

It’s generally safe to consume chicken within a couple of days after the sell-by date if it appears fresh and shows no signs of spoilage.

How Can I Tell If Chicken Is Spoiled?

Signs of spoiled chicken include a sour odor, unusual color or texture, and sliminess on the surface. Trust your senses and discard chicken that exhibits these signs.

Can I Freeze Chicken to Extend Its Shelf Life?

Yes, freezing chicken can help prolong its freshness. Properly wrap it in freezer-safe packaging and label it with the date for future reference.

How Should I Store Raw Chicken?

Store raw chicken in the refrigerator at or below 40°F (4°C). Keep it in its original packaging or use sealed containers or resealable freezer bags to prevent cross-contamination.

Should I Rely Solely On The Sell-By Date to Determine Freshness?

While the sell-by date is a helpful guideline, it’s important to use your senses to assess chicken freshness. If it looks or smells off, it’s best to discard it.

How Long Can Chicken Be Kept In The Refrigerator?

Raw chicken can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 days after the sell-by date if it appears fresh and shows no signs of spoilage.


In conclusion, understanding how long is chicken good after the sell-by date is crucial for making informed decisions about food safety, specifically from 1 to 2 days. While the sell-by date provides a general guideline, it’s important to rely on your senses to assess the chicken’s freshness. If it appears fresh, shows no signs of spoilage, and has been stored properly, it can still be safe to consume even after the sell-by date.

By using your senses to assess its appearance, smell, and texture, you can determine if chicken is still safe to eat after the sell-by date. Remember to prioritize food safety, follow proper storage practices, and discard chicken that shows signs of spoilage.

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Rachae's Nosheri

Rachael’s Nosheri is a Jewish deli located in 120 S. 19th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103. We serve breakfast and lunch comfort foods and deli sandwiches. Our extensive menu and reasonable prices make us a popular destination for locals and visitors alike. Our food is pretty good if you’re in the mood for deli sandwiches, and we’re known for our American, Bagels, Breakfast, Lunch Specials, and Sandwiches.

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