How To Reheat Pulled Pork?

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By: Rachae's Nosheri


Are you tired of reheating your leftover pulled pork only to find that it has turned dry and tough? Don’t fret. Our guide on how to reheat pulled pork is here to help you bring it back to its tender and juicy glory. 

With various methods to choose from, including the traditional oven and stovetop, the convenient microwave, and the precise sous vide, we’ll show you how to revive your pulled pork with minimum effort and maximum flavor. Whether you’re a barbecue enthusiast or simply love a good pulled pork sandwich, our expert tips and techniques will ensure your reheated pork retains its moistness, texture, and mouth-watering taste. 

So, whether you’ve cooked it in advance, barbecued it the day before, or have some leftovers from a recent meal, our guide has got you covered.


The Secret to reheating pulled pork without drying it out?

Achieving juicy and delicious reheated pulled pork, reminiscent of the day it was originally cooked, hinges on the critical factor of proper storage. While I can certainly provide you with guidance on reheating pulled pork, it is crucial to understand the significance of appropriate storage techniques in order to follow the best reheating method.

If you find yourself in the delightful position of having leftover pulled pork and the desire to enjoy it at a later time, it is important to store it correctly. The key lies in preserving its moisture and flavor during the storage period, which ultimately contributes to the success of the reheating process.

How to Properly Store Pulled Pork?

How to Properly Store Pulled Pork?, How To Reheat Pulled Pork?

Drawing from our experience, vacuum sealing pulled pork in individual portions is the ideal method for proper storage. 

To begin, allow the cooked pulled pork to cool down to room temperature to prevent condensation during the sealing process. 

Next, divide the pulled pork into individual serving sizes, ensuring you have the desired portions ready. Set up your vacuum sealer according to the manufacturer’s instructions and ensure cleanliness of both the machine and sealing bags. 

Place each portion of pulled pork into separate vacuum-sealer bags, leaving enough space at the top for sealing. Use the vacuum sealer to remove the air from the bags and create an airtight seal, effectively preserving the freshness and quality of the meat.

Store the vacuum-sealed pulled pork portions in the freezer, where they will remain fresh, safe from bacterial growth, and maintain their moisture and flavor until you’re ready to thaw and enjoy them.

How Long Does Pulled Pork Last In The Fridge?

When stored properly in the refrigerator, pulled pork can typically last for about 3 to 5 days. It is important to ensure that the pulled pork is promptly refrigerated after cooking and that it is stored in airtight containers or sealed bags to minimize exposure to air and potential contamination.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork?

In the Oven

After putting it to the test, this method is particularly advantageous when aiming to recreate the deliciousness of freshly cooked pulled pork, as it helps retain the inherent juiciness and savory qualities that can sometimes diminish upon refrigeration or freezing. 

Allow me to provide you with a detailed step-by-step guide on successfully reheating pulled pork in the oven. By following these instructions, you can ensure that your pulled pork is heated to perfection while retaining its delicious flavors and texture.

  1. Start by preheating your oven to a low temperature, usually around 275°F (135°C).
  2. Take out the pulled pork from the refrigerator or freezer. If it’s frozen, allow it to thaw in the refrigerator overnight before reheating.
  3. Cover the dish tightly with aluminum foil. This traps the moisture and heat, creating a steamy environment that helps retain the juiciness of the meat.
  4. Place the covered dish in the preheated oven and let the pulled pork reheat for approximately 20-30 minutes. Ensure it reaches a safe internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure it’s thoroughly reheated.
  5. Once the pulled pork has reached the desired temperature, carefully remove the dish from the oven.

On the Stove

Reheating pulled pork on the stove is another effective method that allows for quick and convenient reheating while preserving its flavors.

  1. Select a wide and shallow pan or skillet that can accommodate the pulled pork without overcrowding.
  2. Add a small amount of liquid to the pan.
  3. Place the pan over medium heat on the stove and allow it to heat up.
  4. Once the pan is heated, add the pulled pork to the pan. Spread it out evenly to ensure even reheating.
  5. Stir the pulled pork occasionally to ensure even heating and to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Heat the pulled pork until it is heated through, which usually takes around 5-10 minutes.
  6. Use a meat thermometer to check its internal temperature. It should reach a minimum of 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.

In a Crock Pot

Reheating pulled pork in a slow cooker (crock pot) is a fantastic method that helps retain its moisture and flavors while ensuring even heating.

  1. Place the desired amount of pulled pork into the slow cooker.
  2. Stir the pulled pork gently to evenly distribute the liquid and ensure that all the meat is coated.
  3. Set the slow cooker to the low heat setting.
  4. Place the lid securely on the slow cooker to create a seal. Allow the pulled pork to heat for approximately 2-4 hours, depending on the quantity and initial temperature.
  5. Check the temperature: It should reach a minimum of 165°F (74°C).

In the Microwave

Reheating pulled pork in the microwave is a quick and convenient method.

  1. Take the desired amount of pulled pork from the refrigerator or freezer and place it in a microwave-safe dish or plate.
  2. Cover the dish loosely with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap.
  3. Set your microwave to medium power or 50% power.
  4. Microwave the pulled pork in short intervals, usually around 1-2 minutes at a time.
  5. Check the temperature.

Reheating Pulled Pork With the Sous Vide Method

Using the sous vide method is an exception in order to reheat pulled pork that guarantees the preservation of its juiciness and tenderness. By precisely controlling the temperature, you can restore the flavors and texture of the pulled pork to perfection.

  1. Fill a large pot or container with water and attach a sous vide immersion circulator. Set the temperature on the immersion circulator to the desired reheating temperature, typically around 145°F (63°C).
  2. Retrieve the pulled pork from the refrigerator or freezer and transfer it to a sous vide bag.
  3. Remove any excess air from the sous vide bag containing the pulled pork and securely seal it using a vacuum sealer or the water displacement method.
  4. Immerse the sealed bag of pulled pork into the preheated water bath, ensuring that it is completely submerged.
  5. Allow the pulled pork to cook in the sous vide bath for approximately 1-2 hours.
  6. Monitor the temperature:

Reheating pulled pork using the Sous Vide method ensures precise temperature control, resulting in a delectable and succulent dining experience. This technique allows you to revive the flavors and textures of the pulled pork while maintaining its juiciness, making it an ideal choice for enjoying reheated pulled pork at its best.

How Long Does It Take To Reheat Pulled Pork?

How To Reheat Pulled Pork?

Discover the perfect reheating times for your succulent pulled pork.  Whether you choose the convenience of the microwave, the flavorful results from the oven, the stovetop’s sizzling touch, or the precision of sous vide, we have you covered. 

In just 15-20 minutes, the oven will revive your pork to mouthwatering perfection. A quick 5-10 minutes on the stovetop delivers a deliciously warm and tender meal. For those seeking a speedy solution, the microwave works its magic in a mere 2-8 minutes. If you desire the epitome of juiciness, the sous vide method gently simmers your pulled pork for 1-2 hours. 

Whichever method you choose, remember to savor the moment as you delight in the irresistible flavors and aromas of reheated pulled pork.

How Many Times Can You Reheat Pulled Pork?

It is generally recommended to reheat pulled pork only once to maintain its quality and minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses. Each time you reheat the pork, it undergoes temperature fluctuations and prolonged exposure to heat, which can impact its texture and flavor. Repeated reheating cycles also increase the potential for bacterial growth. 

Therefore, it’s advisable to portion the pulled pork appropriately to avoid leftovers that need to be reheated multiple times. If you have excess pulled pork, consider freezing it in individual portions for later use, ensuring better quality when reheated.

How Do You Keep Pulled Pork Moist When Reheating?

First, you can add moisture by mixing in a small amount of liquid before reheating, such as barbecue sauce, broth, or marinade. This helps to prevent the meat from drying out during the reheating process. 

Second, opt for reheating methods that use moist heat, such as using a covered dish in the oven or reheating on the stovetop with a small amount of liquid. This helps to create steam which keeps the pulled pork moist. 

Finally, use a meat thermometer to monitor the internal temperature of the pulled pork as you reheat it. Once it reaches a safe minimum temperature of 165°F (74°C), remove it from the heat source promptly to avoid overcooking and drying out the meat. 

By using these techniques, you can help retain the moisture in pulled pork during the reheating process, resulting in a juicy and flavorful outcome.


What Liquid Is Best For Reheating Pulled Pork?

Popular options include barbecue sauce, broth or stock (such as chicken or beef), apple juice or cider for a hint of sweetness, or water for a neutral flavor.

Can I Make Pulled Pork Ahead Of Time and Reheat?

Yes, you can make pulled pork ahead of time and reheat it later. In fact, many people prefer to cook pulled pork in advance for convenience or to allow flavors to develop further.

Is pulled pork better the next day?

Many people believe that pulled pork actually tastes better the next day. This is because the flavors have had time to develop and meld together during the resting period.

Can You Overcook Pulled Pork?

Yes, it is possible to overcook pulled pork. Pulled pork is typically cooked low and slow to break down the collagen and connective tissues, resulting in tender and juicy meat.

Can You BBQ Pulled Pork The Day Before?

Yes, you can barbecue (smoke) pulled pork the day before you plan to serve it. In fact, many barbecue enthusiasts prefer this method as it allows the flavors to develop further and makes the meat more tender and flavorful.

Final Thoughts

Reheating pulled pork can be a tricky task, but with the right techniques and tips, you can bring it back to life without sacrificing its texture and flavor. Whether you choose to reheat it in the oven, on the stove, in the microwave, or using the sous vide method, remember to keep it moist, cover it properly, and add some liquid to prevent it from drying out. 
By following our step-by-step guide on how to reheat pulled pork, you’ll be able to enjoy it just as much as the day you cooked it. So go ahead, experiment with different methods, and impress your family and friends with your perfect pulled pork every time.

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Rachae's Nosheri

Rachael’s Nosheri is a Jewish deli located in 120 S. 19th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103. We serve breakfast and lunch comfort foods and deli sandwiches. Our extensive menu and reasonable prices make us a popular destination for locals and visitors alike. Our food is pretty good if you’re in the mood for deli sandwiches, and we’re known for our American, Bagels, Breakfast, Lunch Specials, and Sandwiches.

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