How Long To Cook Pork Shoulder At 350?

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By: Rachae's Nosheri


Pork shoulder is one of the most versatile cuts of pork, offering a delicious flavor and melt-in-your-mouth texture when cooked correctly. Whatever your cooking technique is, knowing the right cooking time helps create a tender, succulent meal that your guests will adore. 

So if you’re wondering how long to cook pork shoulder at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, the answer is that it depends. Keep reading for details instructions.


What is Pork Shoulder?

How Long To Cook Pork Shoulder At 350

First of all, let’s first find out what a pork shoulder is before answering the question of how long to cook pork shoulder at 350. Pork shoulder is a cut of pork that comes from the front part of the pig. 

Its relative toughness makes it perfect for culinary techniques like smoking or braising that call for lengthy cook periods. Pork shoulder has a rich flavor and is often used in recipes like pulled pork, tacos, and stews. 

Different Varieties Of Pork Shoulders

How Long To Cook Pork Shoulder At 350

There are several different sorts of pork shoulder cuts, each offering its own unique flavor and texture. 

  • Pork Butt (also known as Boston butt): this is the most common cut found in grocery stores and restaurants. It’s a large, fatty piece of meat that often needs to be slow-cooked for a long period of time to reach optimal tenderness. 
  • Picnic Shoulder: slightly smaller than a pork butt, it has less fat but more bone content than other cuts. This type of pork shoulder should not be cooked too hot or too fast, or it will become tough. 
  • Bone-in:  Bone-in pork shoulder is the most common cut found in grocery stores. It has a richer flavor and holds more moisture than boneless cuts, making it ideal for slow roasting or braising. 
  • Boneless: Boneless pork shoulder can be cooked much faster than bone-in cuts and is great for grilling or pan-frying over high heat. While this cut may not have as much flavor as bone-in, it is still very juicy when cooked correctly. 

How Long To Cook Pork Shoulder at 350?

Now, you have a basic understanding of pork shoulder, let’s talk about how to cook pork shoulder at 350 degrees.

To make the perfect juicy and tender pork shoulder at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, you should cook it for about 40-45 minutes per pound. Therefore, if you have a 4-pound pork shoulder roast, you should cook it for about 3 hours at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

It is also important to remember to use a thermometer and check the internal temperature of the pork shoulder once it has finished cooking. The internal temperature should reach an internal temperature of at least 145°F, and the juices should run clear.

How To Pick The Best Pork Shoulder Cut?

So we have answered the question of how long to cook pork shoulder at 350. However, choosing a good piece of pork shoulder is also a very crucial step. Here are some tips for you to select the pork shoulder cut perfectly:

Sort of Pork Shoulder: With four distinct types to choose from, selecting just the right one is key to achieving the unique flavor you desire. Put in the extra effort to choose wisely and your taste buds and dinner guests.

Size of Cut: Selecting the ideal pork shoulder cut involves taking its size into account, especially if you plan to feed a crowd. In case you’re lost on what size to get, your neighborhood butcher can always lend a helping hand.

Cooking Technique: For a hearty meal, go for roasting, braising, or grilling with fresh cuts. But if you’re in the mood for something slow-cooked and succulent, smoked cuts are the way to go. The preparation method will also impact the taste, so if you’re craving a bold, smoky flavor, a smoked cut is the clear winner.

Fat Content: Choosing the right kind of fat content can make or break your pork dish. Roasting, braising, or grilling? Lean is your friend. But if you’re after pulled pork, shredded pork, or stews, you’ll want to go for medium-fat. 

Optimal Internal Temperature For Pork Shoulder

To ensure that pork shoulder is cooked through, it should reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit when measured with a meat thermometer. 

If the roast is not cooked to this temperature, the meat can still be pink on the inside and may contain harmful bacteria. Therefore, it’s vital to make sure the internal temperature is checked throughout the cooking process. 

Once your pork shoulder has reached its desired internal temperature, it’s significant to let it rest before carving or serving. Allowing the roast to rest allows the juices to redistribute and will yield more tender and juicy pieces of pork when served. 

For best results, allow your pork shoulder to rest for 10 minutes before slicing into it.  With these tips and techniques, you’ll be sure to cook up the perfect pork shoulder roast every time. 

Should I Sear The Pork Shoulder Before Cooking?

Yes, searing the pork shoulder before cooking it at 350 degrees can help enhance the flavor. The process of searing the roast helps to lock in moisture while also creating an outer crust that is full of flavor. 

Simply heat a bit of oil in a skillet over medium-high heat, add your pork shoulder, and sear until golden brown on all sides. Then transfer to your oven for roasting at 350 degrees Fahrenheit as directed.

What Pork Shoulder Cooking Method Is The Best?

The best way to cook pork shoulder is to slow-roast it using the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 40-50 minutes per pound. This method will ensure that the pork shoulder is cooked through and juicy without being overdone. 

To further enhance flavor, consider searing the roast before cooking or adding a flavorful rub prior to roasting. Finally, remember to let the roast rest after cooking so that all of its juices can redistribute before slicing and serving. 

How To Roast Pork Shoulder At 350

As we have known, roast pork shoulder is the best method to cook the pork shoulder. So, how to roast pork shoulder at 350?

To begin, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Take the pork shoulder and season it with salt, pepper and any other desired herbs or spices.

Then, place the roast in a roasting pan with a bit of oil and cook for 40-50 minutes per pound until a meat thermometer inserted into the center of the roast reads 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once the roast reaches the desired internal temperature, remove it from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes before slicing and serving.

Typical Mistakes While Cooking Pork Shoulder At 350 Should Be Avoided

When cooking pork shoulder at 350 degrees, there are a few typical mistakes to avoid for the best outcome:

1. Not allowing enough time for the roast to cook all the way through. This may result in an undercooked roast that could be unsafe to eat due to bacteria growth from improper temperatures not being reached.

2. Not checking the temperature: Using a meat thermometer is essential to ensure that the internal temperature of your pork shoulder reaches at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit in order to be safe for consumption.

3. Over-seasoning or under-seasoning: Using a sufficient amount of seasonings, herbs, and spices will help your dish become more harmonious.

4. Not searing the outside properly: Properly searing your pork shoulder before cooking is essential to provide a flavorful and crispy outside.

5. Not using enough oil when searing: To ensure that your pork shoulder does not burn or stick to the pan, use a generous amount of oil when searing.

6. Not allowing the roast to rest after cooking: Allow it to rest for at least 15 minutes before cutting into it in order for juices to settle and redistribute throughout the meat.

7. Overcooking: It’s important not to overcook your pork shoulder as this can cause it to become dry and tough.

Following these simple tips and tricks will ensure that your pork shoulder is cooked to perfection every time.

Serving Suggestion With Pork Shoulder

When it comes to what to serve with pork shoulder, the possibilities are virtually endless! Pork shoulder pairs especially well with vegetables like carrots, potatoes, onions, squash, and bell peppers.

For a classic southern meal, serve it with macaroni and cheese or mashed potatoes and gravy. Other sides to consider include cornbread, coleslaw, baked beans, couscous, or rice.

For an extra flavorful contrast, pair the pork shoulder with a sharp sauce like chimichurri or salsa verde

How To Store Cooked Pork Shoulder At 350?

After cooking your pork shoulder at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, it is important to properly store the leftovers.  

Cooked pork shoulder can be safely stored in the fridge for up to three days or in the freezer for up to two months. After allowing it to cool, simply transfer it to an airtight container and store it away. 

When you’re ready to indulge in this delicious dish again, just reheat it and enjoy a savory meal without any fuss.

How Should Pork Shoulder Be Reheated At 350?

To reheat pork shoulder at 350, set your oven to 350 degrees and place the pork shoulder on a baking sheet lined with foil. Heat for 15-20 minutes or until the internal temperature of the meat reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit. 

The time and temperature may vary depending on the size of the roast, so it’s crucial to check the temperature periodically to ensure the pork is heated through. 

If needed, cover the roast with foil while reheating to help keep the meat moist.  Once it reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit, your pork shoulder is ready to serve.


Is 350 too Hot for Pork Shoulder?

No, 350 degrees Fahrenheit is not too hot for pork shoulder. In fact, this temperature is ideal for slow roasting and will help ensure that the roast cooks through without drying out. Make sure to check the internal temperature of the meat using a thermometer to ensure it has reached 145 degrees before savoring. 

Should I Foil-wrap my Pork Shoulder?

It depends on your desire. Wrapping the roast in foil would trap moisture and steam and prevent it from becoming crispy and golden brown on the outside. Instead of wrapping it in foil, consider adding a flavorful rub prior to roasting or searing the roast before cooking for extra flavor.

Could Pork Shoulder be Rested for 3 Hours?

Keep your roast out of the temperature range between 40-140 degrees to maintain its safety. To allow it to cool to safe levels, let your pork butt rest for a while – not more than two hours – before you indulge in your delicious meal.

Is Slow Cooking Required for Pork Shoulder?

Yes, pork shoulder should be cooked slowly to ensure it cooks through and is juicy without becoming dry or tough. This is why slow-roasting at a lower temperature (such as 350 degrees Fahrenheit) is ideal for cooking pork shoulder.

What’s Pork Shoulder’s Lowest Safe Temperature?

The lowest temperature for pork shoulder is 160 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the temperature at which pork shoulder is considered safe to eat and will be most tender when cooked properly. Make sure to use a meat thermometer to check the temperature of your pork shoulder throughout cooking in order to ensure it has reached this level before savoring.

Final Thought

To sum up, time to cook pork shoulder at 350 depends on the pork shoulder size, however, cooking pork shoulder at 350 for about 40-45 minutes per pound is typically recommended. To ensure the pork shoulder is cooked through and juicy, let it rest after cooking for several minutes before slicing and serving.

Finally, remember to store your cooked pork shoulder properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator for no longer than three days. By following these above detailed information on how long to cook pork shoulder at 350, and using a thermometer to monitor internal temperature, you can enjoy delicious pork shoulder with peace of mind.

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Rachae's Nosheri

Rachael’s Nosheri is a Jewish deli located in 120 S. 19th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103. We serve breakfast and lunch comfort foods and deli sandwiches. Our extensive menu and reasonable prices make us a popular destination for locals and visitors alike. Our food is pretty good if you’re in the mood for deli sandwiches, and we’re known for our American, Bagels, Breakfast, Lunch Specials, and Sandwiches.

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